SureLock for Windows Mobile & CE
Restrict users to allowed applications only
Block users from accessing the home screen
Block users from changing system settings
Enhance security by setting passwords
Leading Windows rugged device lockdown solution
Lock down Windows Mobile and Windows CE devices
Allow user to launch and use allowed applications only
Disable installation of third-party programs (CABs or from desktop)
Block users from deleting applications
Disable keypad
Disable ActiveSync
Disable Autorun
Administrator access
Bundle multiple CABs into a single CAB for easier installation
Remote CAB update support
Full-screen support
Launch applications in the desired order during startup
Include custom icons in Kiosk Main Screen
Phone Signal Strength icon
WiFi Signal Strength icon
Display current date and time on kiosk launcher screen​
View IP Address of the mobile device
Volume Control
Align Screen (Stylus Calibration)
Custom TaskManager
Battery Indicator
Enable Windows Mobile taskbar
Install cab directly from SureLock Studio
Enable logging in kiosk mode (Useful during development and integration)
Device branding (Change background, colors on Kiosk Main Screen)
Quickly allow built-in applications without typing anything
Remote Manager
Remotely access active window properties
Easily identify the path of device applications
Remotely capture screenshots
Remote device reset